coconut charcoal vs bamboo charcoal

A comparison between coconut charcoal vs bamboo charcoal is an interesting thing to follow when it comes to charcoal use. Both of them use renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources. That’s why it is not surprising if people begin to consider using them instead of original charcoal from wood.

Although both of these charcoal is made from completely natural materials that are available everywhere, the type of plants used are different. Hence, there will be differences in their benefits and uses. Aside from environmental factors, there are some reasons that you can consider before choosing between them.

What is Coconut Charcoal vs Bamboo Charcoal Made From?

Coconut charcoal uses coconut shells as the main ingredients to make it. However, not all coconut shells can be used to make charcoal. Manufacturers most likely take the old shells to make charcoal since they are denser and contain less moisture so they produce optimal heat as an alternative fuel.

Coconut charcoal also produces higher heat as it comes with 7.340 calories of energy. Hence, currently, this type of charcoal become a good option for industrial use. Meanwhile, bamboo charcoal uses species of bamboo to make. Raw bamboo charcoal is made from bamboo parts like branches, roots, and culms.

There is also bamboo briquette charcoal that comes from carbonized bamboo residue. Another thing that differs between activated charcoal bamboo vs coconut is their characteristics. Bamboo charcoal has more mezzo porous so it has a good absorbing ability for various types of toxic molecules.

The Advantages of Coconut and Bamboo Charcoal

Made from different materials and having different characteristics, both charcoals are suitable for internal and external uses such as:

Poisoning Treatment

Activated charcoal from both coconut and bamboo is often beneficial to treat alcohol poisoning. Some people may take it to prevent a hangover before consuming alcohol while some others use it after taking alcohol. The activated properties help the body to feel well before alcohol gets fully absorbed.


Coconut charcoal vs bamboo charcoal has different characteristics of porous but both of them can effectively adsorb harmful toxins into the body. Hence, you can choose between one of them anytime you need detoxification in your body.

Odor Reduction

The microporous on those charcoal especially in the activated coconut charcoal can absorb bad odors than the majority of their charcoal counterparts. That’s why people like to use charcoal powder from either coconut or bamboo and place it in the area with potential bad odors.  

Hair and Skin Treatment

Both of those charcoals are beneficial to maintain healthier hair. Coconut activated charcoal is often added to shampoo products since it can give fullness and strength as well as improve the overall hair quality. Meanwhile, bamboo charcoal is also found in the same product to maintain dark and healthy hair.

Those charcoals from natural materials are also useful for skin health because they make skin remains clean and smooth.

Coconut charcoal vs bamboo charcoal comes with different characteristics and natural ingredients but both of them bring many benefits for health and the body. If you want to know more about coconut charcoal, you can visit our website. You can also click here to send a direct message with our team.