coconut charcoal briquette indonesia

Indonesia is known as one of the biggest manufacturers of coconut charcoal briquette. However, among many coconut charcoal briquette indonesia manufacturers, there are only a few of them that have the quality and reputation you can rely upon. Here are several factors that separate them from the common manufacturers.

The Top Factors of Indonesia Coconut Charcoal Briquette Manufacturer 

To see what kind of the Indonesian coconut charcoal manufacturer is, here are several factors you can consider:

–      Coconut Shells Specification

Depending on the area where the coconut shell comes from, the charcoal product comes out differently as well. For example, the coconut shells from Sumatra will produce brown charcoal ash. As for the North Sulawesi coconut shells, they produce white ash.

–      Coconut Charcoal Quality

The coconut charcoal they sell should go through an adequate drying process. Most manufacturers in Indonesia use a sun drying process, which is cheaper and more efficient. The process requires the shell to have up to 15% of moisture content, which makes the charcoal burnable well. So, take a look at their product and how they process it.

–      Own Coconut Shell Collection and Piroliz Process

These two factors are essential because they affect the quality of the product the most. A manufacturer that has no coconut shell collection and piroliz process, mostly, depends on the supply from a third party. From the manufacturing perspective, it may have no problem. However, you need to know that the ingredient affects coconut charcoal briquette Indonesia.

Using a third party can help them to fulfill their production quota. But, the quality and specification of the ingredient are different. Therefore, the quality of the coconut charcoal and briquette they have is different from time to time, depending on the supplier of the ingredient they use. If you need a stable supply of coconut charcoal with the best quality, you can’t use this kind of manufacturer.

–      It Has Coconut Plantation

Even though coconut grows easily and is available for the entire year in Indonesia, having a private plantation is a good thing. It means they don’t have to rely on transportation to deliver the ingredients from the supplier. That reduces fuel usage and is a good system for the environment. Furthermore, the price of the coconut charcoal from this manufacturer is also lower than those who rely on the supplier. So, you can save more budgets with their product.

The Agreement

Other than the factor above to determine which company is the best partner for your needs, you also need to be extra careful when creating a partnership agreement. The best choice is to create the agreement and include the quality settlement. Many manufacturers in Indonesia use that kind of contract, so you won’t have any problem getting their signature.

The quality settlement could be something like this. If it produces 5% more ash, you should receive a payback of 2%. Or, if the product has more than 10% moisture, you get a 10% discount. With that kind of agreement, you are ready to buy and find a partner for buying coconut charcoal briquette Indonesia.

If you interest to know more information about coconut charcoal, you can visit our website. You can also clik link WhatsApp here to send a direct message with our team.